Monday, February 22, 2010
Wednesday Night Meeting
Amanda Self Clinic Follow up

Early reports indicate that those people who attended Amanda's clinic this past weekend came away with lots of new information, and a refreshed excitement about reining! Congratulations to DAWNNA, MANDY, TIFFANY and KIM who all took advantage of this opportunity to work and learn with Amanda! The more educated we become, and the more we learn as a group, the more we will be able to promote and support each other as we develop as a reining club! Be sure to post some comments here ladies to tell us about your experiences!! Thanks again to Amanda for helping promote the sport of reining in 100 Mile, Tina Chestnut for organizing, and to Easy Go Ranch for providing the facility for this clinic!!
Thursday Night ride
Here are some faces that are coming out on Thursday nights to ride. Hopefully more members will be able to join in as the days get longer....If you can't make it with your horse, just drop by to say hi! One of these days I WILL figure out how to take decent pictures in an arena!!
Sending out condolences...
Monday, February 15, 2010
AMANDA SELF CLINIC THIS WEEKEND!! -A few spots still available!!

Picture: Amanda and Radical French Gold-Taken from Amanda's facebook page (Amanda rode him last year at our 100 Mile Horse Bazaar reining demo.
Due to a few last minute cancelations there are a few spots still available for Amanda's clinic Saturday and Sunday February 20th, 21st at Easy Go Ranch in Lac La Hache. Cost is 150.00.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A message from our Incoming Sliders President

As your new new president I thought it was time to introduce I had been promising Bella I would do all last year! I started riding at three when my parents bought me my first pony..she was rotton of course. I continued to love horses despite her.I have ridden dressage, jumping, gymkhana, cutting and pleasure showing....I rode dressage for 5 yrs with Rex Rhodes..I showed open and apploosa as a youth and after my son was born I competed hunter jumper for a couple of years...I just didn't have the lion heart for that! lol I bred quarter horses for a few years until my health deterioated and I sold off most of my herd except for a couple of brood mares and two riding horses...(at the time babys!)...both of the horses I compete on now. I fell in love with reining about ten years ago and it has been my focus ever since...I do still enjoy showing and compete most weekends..I love trail class and horsemanship.
I have ridden with such great clinicians as Roy Yates, Les Voight, Richard Shrake and Deana Millard, taking from each what knowledge they have had to pass on to make me a better horse person. I have also recently started to compete in barrel racing and joined the BCBRA this year, hoping to do well.
I suffer from severe rhumatoid arthritis which has caused me to make certain adaptations in the way I ride and compete...I, at the present time have little use of my hands so must make sure my horses are as light as they can be..I have a weak left leg that is numb on the back side..I must think and make the leg move as it doesn't do that when it's tired....We all have things that we must over come-each of us has a hill or two we must climb...
I hope this lets you know more about me and my goals. I will try to be the best president that I can be and hope we can all achieve our goals this year
Dawnna Monks
100 Mile Sliders President 2010
Thanks for this Dawnna! I still encourage ALL our members to send me your "bio" so I can post it here as a way to help us learn about each other!! (Isabella MacQuarrie)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Reining just for AQHA??

When one thinks of the classic reining horse, the vision that comes to mind for most is of the compact, athletic, dependable Quarter Horse. However, it is important to recognize that ultimately, reining is really about good horses, and good horsemanship. Any horse can be taught the basic reining moves and will become a better horse as they learn how to be supple, and how to respond to subtle cues from the rider, and any person who spends time learning about reining and how to develop a reining horse, WILL improve their overall horsemanship skills. These thoughts are important to keep in mind when considering:
Sun Reiners Schooling Show May 2nd
Sheza Major Madonna For Sale

Please read my April 15, 2009 post regarding "Maddie" For Sale-look under the "Sale horses" label. We now have 2 Youtube clips of Maddie.
Brandt Ranch Reining Schooling Show

April 25 | Brandt Ranch Reining Schooling Show & Cattle Sorting Pritchard, BC Contact Jan 250-577-3775 or Jeanette/Stan 250-577-3156 |
Wildwood Reining to do reining demo at Horse Bazaar

Announcements from our First Sliders AGM

Congratulations to our new executive for the 2010 season!

West Coast Classic Will Welcome WEG Finalists!
The members of Team Canada, who will compete at the World Equestrian
Games in Kentucky in September will be chosen at West Coast Classic, it was
announced today.
This means that reiners such as NRHA Futurity Winner and Million Dollar Rider
Duane Latimer may well be competing at our show this year. Duane won the
Individual gold medal at the 2006 World Equestrian Games. After winning the
Junior Reining at the 2009 AQHA World Show on Shiners Lena Dust, he said
he’d like to take the 6-year-old to Kentucky to defend that title. If he wants to do
that, he and his horse will have to come to Heritage Park in July!
WCRA’s West Coast Classic has been chosen as Canada’s World Equestrian
Games Selection finals, Sharon Hall learned in a phone call today from Ottawa.
After WCRA voted at its AGM in November to make the pitch, Sharon got busy
and put together a first class proposal that EC found too good to turn down.
The World Equestrian Games, at which all the FEI disciplines decide their
World Championships at one time and place, were first held in Stockholm in
1990. Like the Olympics, WEG happens every four years and it wasn’t until
2002, in Spain, that reining was included for the first time—the only western
discipline that has a place in the FEI world.
This year the games come to North America for the first time, to the newly
refurbished Kentucky Horse Park, and Canadian reining will have its best
opportunity ever to showcase itself to the world.
Reiners who want to represent Canada at WEG in September have to first
qualify by obtaining a score of at least 68 at three CRI competitions. Then they
must vie for the coveted team positions at the Canadian WEG Selection finals.
Each rider can compete on up to three horses.
So – we’re over the first hurdle. We’ve won the bid. Now we need to roll up our
sleeves and get to work. Fund raising is going to be “Job One” so start thinking
about what you can do, and how you can help. We look forward to hearing from
you and to working together with everyone in this great club, to make this show
a tremendous success.
~ Kathleen Keating
President, WCRA
This is the WCRA's premier show. The 100 Mile Sliders Chapter is pleased to offer up an Air Ride Saddle Pad as a prize to the winner of the Beginner A WCRA class at this year's show.