Friday, June 26, 2009
Prince George Reining Horse Association Fall Slide and Futurity

(PICTURE Amanda Self-Taken from the PGRHA website)
Here is the link to Prince George's 3rd reining show, August 7-9, 2009. Entries are due July 20th. This show is the weekend after the Reininin The Sun Show in Armsrtrong. I know Ellie is planning to go...Anyone else?. It would be a good show to go watch, as they have 2 NRHA 3 year old futurity classes, as well as open and non pro futurities, Exciting! The link is
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Schools' Out!!
Hey everyone.
As of Friday I'm on summer vacation! Yeah! However, I don't have internet access at home, so for the next 2 months, I will probably post less frequently on this blog. I usually go to The Fish On Pub or the "Moose" for free internet access to check e mails, etc, at least once a week. Phil and I are participating in a canoe trip down the Big Salmon/Yukon rivers from July 13, until July 24/25, and then I'll be heading down to Sherri's in Princeton to get ready for "Reininin the Sun" reining show in Armstrong July 31-August 2nd. We should be around for the month of August. If anyone would like me to post/address anything specific on the blog over the summer, let me know (by e mail or phone). I will continue to send out blog updates to members on a regular basis. Have a great summer everyone!-get out and enjoy the great outdoors, and don't forget to take the opportunity to participate in (or just watch) the great reining shows, our WCRA West Coast Classic, in Chilliwack (July 17-19) and Armstrong!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another Opportunity for Doug Mills Clinic in 100 Mile!

Our Sliders member, John McCarville, will be hosting another opportunity to participate in a Doug Mills, Level 1 Clinic. The clinic will be Friday evening, July 3rd, Saturday, July 4th & Sunday, July 5th. The clinic will be at John's place 5655 Canim Hendrix Lake Road. Phone John at 250-395-2633 for details. The fee is $300.00 and this includes a DVD which captures all of the steps taught in the clinic. Doug will not be doing the clinic as he is still out of commission from the injury he got last month. One of his trainers will be here. Arrangements will be made for campers if necessary and board may be arranged for a couple of horses as well.
It is important that we get lots of participation in these types of clinics if we want to attract top level people in the industry into our area! Thanks John, for providing this opportunity!
Monday, June 22, 2009

So we've been trying to find a good time to have a meeting, and with everyone's busy schedules, it's been difficult! Here are 2 tenative dates and times. Please e mail me or post your preference here under the comments, and we will try to acommodate as many people as possible. At this meeting, we will have some introductions, and go over our finances, so far, as well as set direction for the club as a group. It is important that we have as many members as possible represented so we have a good barometer of what people are thinking and wanting in this club. I'll look forward to hearing from you, as to when you could be available...
Tenative meeting dates-please state your preference
1) Tuesday, June 30th A&W meeting room 7:00pm
2) Wednesday July 1st A&W meeting room 9:00am (note this is a holiday, so we thought people might not be working, and could get on with the rest of their day...)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Riverslide 2009
1. Bob Hall-our past WCRA president-stopping his gorgeous stud!
It was a great weekend in Kamloops, and the Thomson River Chapter put on an excellent show-100 Mile Sliders were well represented with Dawnna, Tiffany, Mandy and myself all marking some respectable scores in the mid to high 60's. (except for that zero score I got-apparently it's a lot harder to count to 4 than I thought....!!). We saw some awesome runs at the open level, and I think the highest score of the weekend was a 71-1/2. Sherri had a great weekend overall winning high point open horse with her gelding, Topper. Well done everyone!
2. Tiffany Vaughan riding a pretty circle
3. Bella MacQuarrie and "Jewel" riding the large fast
4. Sherri Thomson and Topper stop-notice Topper sticking out his tongue at the competition!!
5. Sherri Thomson stopping hard with Nikki
6. Casandra Jakubiec and "Cowboy" on their circle
7.Austin Selouf and "Marv"on their run down-How does he find the reins in all that mane??!!
8. Amanda Self going into her spin
9. Lisa Coulter and her gelding spinning hard!
NOTE -Sorry Dawnna and Mandy, we didn't get any shots of you here!! Casandra's friend, Mike, was taking pics on his new camera, and these are all compliments of him...Thanks, Mike!
It was a great weekend in Kamloops, and the Thomson River Chapter put on an excellent show-100 Mile Sliders were well represented with Dawnna, Tiffany, Mandy and myself all marking some respectable scores in the mid to high 60's. (except for that zero score I got-apparently it's a lot harder to count to 4 than I thought....!!). We saw some awesome runs at the open level, and I think the highest score of the weekend was a 71-1/2. Sherri had a great weekend overall winning high point open horse with her gelding, Topper. Well done everyone!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
2 Amazing Reining Clinics at the Cardinal Ranch

Top-Jack's spur-a great example of a reining spur on a boot!! (see post on "spurs"
Middle-Legendary Horseman, Jack Brainard
Bottom-Million Dollar NRHA rider/trainer, Craig Johnson)
The Cardinal Ranch, (http://www.cardinalranch.com/#) located just outside of Valemont (1 hr west of Jasper) is hosting 2 awesome reining clinic opportunities:
The Cardinal Ranch, (http://www.cardinalranch.com/#) located just outside of Valemont (1 hr west of Jasper) is hosting 2 awesome reining clinic opportunities:
1. August 28-31st, the legendary Jack Brainard will be conducting an Advanced Horsemanship/Reining Clinic.
"Jack Brainard is in his eighties, and his list of accomplishments are impressive, but most impressive is that he still rides many of the world champion horses today. We are told that if some of the best in the world still come to Jack if they are having problems with lead changes. (We are also told he still rides the colts too!)
In 1966, Jack organized the National Reining Horse Association, and served as one of the original directors! You can read more about Jack on his website:
Cost is: Riders 1,000.00 for 4 days
Auditors (was unclear but)-either 3, or 400.00 for 4 days, or 75/day
2. September 5-7, million dollar NRHA rider and trainer Craig Johnson will be conducting a "Fundamentals of Reining" clinic.
A little bit about Craig...
Craig Johnson's special brand of reining excellence combines total precision with lightning maneuvers. His is a unique style that has been well rewarded in the arena.
Two NRHA Futurity Championships, a NRHA Derby title, two Superstakes wins, along with eight AQHA World Championships and six APHA World Titles are just some of the well-deserved laurels Johnson has earned.
Craig has also represented the United States in Jerez, Spain at the World Equestrian Games. The U.S. came home with the Gold Medals! Craig has been on three Gold Medal teams, brought home three individual Silver Medals and one Bronze Medal.
You can read more about Craig on his website:
Intro To Reining Clinic

Here is another great opportunity to participate in an introductory reining clinic with reining trainer, Carmen Texeira. The clinic will take place at The Texeira Stables, in Salmon Arm on June 27-28. You can contact Leslie at 250-307-4757 for more information. The clinic is being hosted by the Sun Reiners Reining Club.
"Having ridden with the legendary Bob Grimshaw for over 10 years before spending 1 1/2 as an assistant trainer to 2 Time World Champion (AQHA, NRCHA) Jason Grimshaw in Texas, where she showed & trained both reiners & working cowhorses, Carmen has now established herself as an accomplished trainer & coach here in BC for riders & horses of all skill levels."
You can read more about Carmen and her program at her website
More show info -WCRA's West Coast Classic

Don't miss the deadline for entries into WCRA's West Coast Classic Show July 17-19th, at Chilliwack's beautiful Heritage Park. Entry deadline is coming up fast-June 15th!!
Here is the link to download entry forms, etc.
This show has a full slate of WCRA beginner classes, and is part of the WCRA high point series. It is an NRHA approved show, as well as a NRHA affiliate series qualifier!
Monday, June 8, 2009

1. Typical "wide" spur straps
2. A thin band spur
2. A thin band spur
3. A spur with a longer shank
4. A spur typically seen worn by reiners
I have been contemplating riding with spurs lately and was looking for some information. I have never felt I was an "educated" enough rider to wear spurs, but now, riding Jewel, I'm hoping I can get a better response from her, having been trained and rode with spurs. I hope I can use them properly, and not bump and bang my leg against her unintentionally when I ride....Once again, Lynda Smyth's forum was the place I found the answers I was looking for. I thought it might be useful information to share here...
Here is the original question(s) (actually posted by our WCRA president) and Lynda's response in part...to see the whole conversation, go to Lynda's forums.
What's the proper way to fit spurs on a boot? i.e., do they fit around the actual heel of the boot? or higher up, around the boot itself? Should it be snug enough to "grab" the boot, or should it be loose enough to allow some movement? Should the leather strap be tight across the instep?
There are different types and weights of Western spurs. It is the weight and the width of the band that determines how the spur is put on.
Wide bands are preferred in Reining circles. The wide band sits on the heel of your boot and yet high enough to touch the leather.
The spur is suppose to be loose not tight against your boot heel. This will allow the spur to fall back into place, if it gets moved around. The 'rolling up' action of the spur, causes it to push against the heel of your boot, and therefore stay on your heel.
Some cowboy boots have slanted heels. A wide band spur will not work properly on these boots, but you can tighten up the spur strap and have the spur sit on the boot leather, above the heel.
Narrower banded spurs can be worn, slipped into the space where the heel meets the leather of your boot. If the spur is snug or not, you may still need to add rubber spur keepers, that wraps underneath your boot heel, to keep the spur in place.
These thin band spurs are very common because they usually have short shanks and mild rowels. Most of these require some type of 'under boot strap' to keep them in place.
The shank is the part of the spur that sticks out. Longer shanked spurs are for people with long legs. With the long shank, they don't have to wrap their legs quite as far under the horse's belly to reach it. Short shanked spurs are for shorter leg people and riders who want to move their leg a lot, without touching the horse with a spur.
Rowels are the rolling part at the end of the shank. Western spurs are meant to be used in a 'touch and then roll action' ... that's why there are rowels. A horse is far most likely to move away from a 'tickling' rolling rowel and far more likely to brace up against, a spur that just kicks him in the belly.
There is a huge variety of rowel size and shape available. You can probably tell which ones are more mild than others, just by looking.
Spur straps are the strap that hold the spur in place. The wider 'cowboy' straps, are far more comfortable to wear than the thin type that cut into your foot.
Wide bands are preferred in Reining circles. The wide band sits on the heel of your boot and yet high enough to touch the leather.
The spur is suppose to be loose not tight against your boot heel. This will allow the spur to fall back into place, if it gets moved around. The 'rolling up' action of the spur, causes it to push against the heel of your boot, and therefore stay on your heel.
Some cowboy boots have slanted heels. A wide band spur will not work properly on these boots, but you can tighten up the spur strap and have the spur sit on the boot leather, above the heel.
Narrower banded spurs can be worn, slipped into the space where the heel meets the leather of your boot. If the spur is snug or not, you may still need to add rubber spur keepers, that wraps underneath your boot heel, to keep the spur in place.
These thin band spurs are very common because they usually have short shanks and mild rowels. Most of these require some type of 'under boot strap' to keep them in place.
The shank is the part of the spur that sticks out. Longer shanked spurs are for people with long legs. With the long shank, they don't have to wrap their legs quite as far under the horse's belly to reach it. Short shanked spurs are for shorter leg people and riders who want to move their leg a lot, without touching the horse with a spur.
Rowels are the rolling part at the end of the shank. Western spurs are meant to be used in a 'touch and then roll action' ... that's why there are rowels. A horse is far most likely to move away from a 'tickling' rolling rowel and far more likely to brace up against, a spur that just kicks him in the belly.
There is a huge variety of rowel size and shape available. You can probably tell which ones are more mild than others, just by looking.
Spur straps are the strap that hold the spur in place. The wider 'cowboy' straps, are far more comfortable to wear than the thin type that cut into your foot.
I use the same set of spurs on each horse that I choose to wear them on. I sometimes cover my rowels with duck tape for the young'uns, until they get used to the sensation.
I start to use spurs on a horse when I have to kick them, to get them to move off of my leg ... as in a leg yeild. I do not use my spurs in a kicking motion but rather in a rolling motion to tickle and irritate them.
I start to use spurs on a horse when I have to kick them, to get them to move off of my leg ... as in a leg yeild. I do not use my spurs in a kicking motion but rather in a rolling motion to tickle and irritate them.
Sliding Stops Critique
Penalties in Reining
With a few of us heading to the WCRA reining show in Kamloops this weekend, I thought it might be a good idea to review how penalty points are given in a reining class. Once again I have found this information on Lynda Smith's forum on her "Manestream Reining" site. Thanks, Lynda-This is good information! ( http://www.manestreamreining.com/forums/)
Penalties in Reining
This is just a guideline, get a current copy of the NRHA Rule Book for full details.
1/2 point penalty
a) a delayed change of lead by one stride
b) starting a circle at a jog
c) exiting a rollback at a jog up to 2 strides
d) for over or under spinning up to 1/8 of a turn
e) failure to remain 20 feet away from the wall or fence when approaching a stop or rollback.
1 point penalty
a) each time a horse is out of lead, a judge is required to penalize by 1 point. The penalty for being out of lead is accummulative, so the judge will add 1 penalty point for each 1/4 of the circumference of a circle that the horse is out of lead.
for over or under spinning up to 1/4 of a turn
2 point penalty
a) break of gait
b) freezing up in spins or rollbacks
This is just a guideline, get a current copy of the NRHA Rule Book for full details.
1/2 point penalty
a) a delayed change of lead by one stride
b) starting a circle at a jog
c) exiting a rollback at a jog up to 2 strides
d) for over or under spinning up to 1/8 of a turn
e) failure to remain 20 feet away from the wall or fence when approaching a stop or rollback.
1 point penalty
a) each time a horse is out of lead, a judge is required to penalize by 1 point. The penalty for being out of lead is accummulative, so the judge will add 1 penalty point for each 1/4 of the circumference of a circle that the horse is out of lead.

2 point penalty
a) break of gait
b) freezing up in spins or rollbacks
c) on walk in patterns, cantering prior to reaching center of the arena and/or failure to stop or walk before executing a canter departure
d) on run in patterns, failure to be in a canter prior to reaching the first marker
e) if a horse does not completely pass the specified marker before initiating a stop
** f) at a circle departure or when exiting a rollback, jogging beyond two strides but less than 1/2 circle or 1/2 the length of the arena.
5 point penalty
a) spurring in front of the cinch
b) use of either hand to instill fear or praise
c) holding the saddle with either hand
d) blatant disobedience including kicking, biting, bucking, rearing and striking
Score 0
a) failure to complete pattern as written
b)use of two hands(expect in classes designated for 2 hands) or changing hands
c) use of romal other than as outlined in rule book
d) use of more than index finger or first finger between the reins
e) performing maneuvers other than in specified order
f) the inclusion of maneuvers not specified, including but no limited to backing more than 2 strides
g) equipment failure that delays completion of pattern
h) balking or refusal of command where pattern is delayed
i) running away or failing to guide
** j) jogging in excess of 1/2 a circle or 1/2 the length of the arena
k) fall to the ground by the horse or rider
l) dropping a rein to the ground while the horse is in motion
m) failure to have the correct exhibitor number displayed
n) failure to wear appropriate western attire, (boots, long sleeved shirt, hat)
o) turning more than 90 degrees
No Score
a) break the law in regards to exhibition or care of animals
b) abuse of an animal in the show arena or evidence that abuse has occurred
c) use of illegal bits and equipment
d) use of whips or bats
e) use of any atachment which alters the movement of the tail
h) failure to dismount and drop the bridle to designated judge
i) disrespect or misconduct by the exhibitor
j) judge may excuse a horse at any time for unsafe or improper exhibition
d) on run in patterns, failure to be in a canter prior to reaching the first marker
e) if a horse does not completely pass the specified marker before initiating a stop
** f) at a circle departure or when exiting a rollback, jogging beyond two strides but less than 1/2 circle or 1/2 the length of the arena.
5 point penalty
a) spurring in front of the cinch
b) use of either hand to instill fear or praise
c) holding the saddle with either hand
d) blatant disobedience including kicking, biting, bucking, rearing and striking
Score 0
a) failure to complete pattern as written
b)use of two hands(expect in classes designated for 2 hands) or changing hands
c) use of romal other than as outlined in rule book
d) use of more than index finger or first finger between the reins
e) performing maneuvers other than in specified order
f) the inclusion of maneuvers not specified, including but no limited to backing more than 2 strides
g) equipment failure that delays completion of pattern
h) balking or refusal of command where pattern is delayed
i) running away or failing to guide
** j) jogging in excess of 1/2 a circle or 1/2 the length of the arena
k) fall to the ground by the horse or rider
l) dropping a rein to the ground while the horse is in motion
m) failure to have the correct exhibitor number displayed
n) failure to wear appropriate western attire, (boots, long sleeved shirt, hat)
o) turning more than 90 degrees
No Score
a) break the law in regards to exhibition or care of animals
b) abuse of an animal in the show arena or evidence that abuse has occurred
c) use of illegal bits and equipment
d) use of whips or bats
e) use of any atachment which alters the movement of the tail
h) failure to dismount and drop the bridle to designated judge
i) disrespect or misconduct by the exhibitor
j) judge may excuse a horse at any time for unsafe or improper exhibition
Friday, June 5, 2009
Some Thursday Night Faces
1. Graham Alwood-trainer and father to our youngest members, Kolton, and Tristiana
2. (lft-rt) Peter-our Rotary supporter, Randy-our illustrious coach, Kim-AQHA breeder, and club member
3, 4. Randy doing what he does best, coaching club members-here I need help with names!!
5. Randy helping our international guest, Rahel Christen
Here's some of the faces you can expect to see, if you are out on Thursday. I am still trying to learn who all you are, so forgive me for omissions/mixups, etc. I'd still LOVE to have each of you e mail me a bio on yourself so I can post it here on the blog!!
Good Luck to all those Slider members participating this weekend in the 100 Mile Outriders Show. I will be out to get some pictures of you in action!!
More Show Info

So here is the link to the Armstrong show, Reinin' In the Sun.
Entry forms are now available. Note that you need to click on each separate part of the entry form, in order to get the complete document. The show runs July 31st-August 2nd, and entries are due by July 3rd.
This show has a full slate of beginner (modified) classes, NRHA classes and working cowhorse classes. The show organizers emphasize a fun, relaxed atmosphere!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Prince George Reining Horse Association
So I've finally found the new link to the Prince George Reining Horse Association!
They've done a great job on their new site, with easy to access information and links to their PGRHA reining patterns. If you take a look at their patterns, you will see that they too have adopted a number of MODIFIED patterns to accommodate beginner riders. The second show in their affiliate series is coming up FAST. In fact "Ride N Slide 09" entries are due TOMORROW (Friday, June 8th). Show dates are June 18-20th (the weekend following the Kamloops show). You can upload entry forms off the PGRHA website.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
(Picture) My Smucked Trailer
So this is a result of rushing and having too much on my mind instead of focusing on the task at hand!! After riding on Thursday, a few of us went to Timmy's for coffee. I decided to park in the EMPTY A&W parking lot, as I'm a little leery of getting the trailer into and out of tight places. Upon pulling out, in a rush and with lots on my mind, I failed to negotiate the light standard in the middle of the parking lot. DUHH!! By the time I'd realized what was happening, this was the result! I am now a public display of poor driving....My ugly old trailer just got a lot uglier....Does this mean I get a new trailer now??? Don't laugh, SHERRI and CASANDRA!!!
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