Picture (Sharon Gates and "Running With Wolves" Picture by Tracy Edie-taken from Sharon's website)
Sharon Gates, reining trainer, and owner of Wildwood Reining Horses, in Hanceville BC, is hosting 2 clinics. The first is with herself as the clinician and the second is with reining trainer VERN SAPERGIA. This will be the third year in a row that Sharon has convinced Vern to come to the Chilcotin to offer up his expertise. You can check out the details on her website, (look under the "Events" page) as well as download registration forms.
Her clinic will be the weekend of May 5th/6th, and Vern's will be the weekend of July 28-29th. Last year, Elli took part in Vern's clinic, and the year prior, Casandra also had the opportunity to participate. You can see info and posts about those clinics on my prior blog posts.
Casandra and Jewel with Vern Sapergia (2010)
Come Slide in 100 Mile!! PICTURE (Sherri Thomson Reining Clinic, 100 Mile House, May 09)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Nicole Brown Reining Clinic
Picture: Taken from http://www.reinernic.com
Nicole Brown Reining/Western Horsemanship Clinic
Vanderhoof Arena is booked for June 1-3 for Nicole's clinic.
Cost: $275 per rider
A $135 non refundable deposit is required BEFORE May 1st.
Contact Juanita if you are interested.
250-631-6736 or leave a message.
Check Nicole out at http://www.reinernic.com
Here, in part is her biography:
Nicole first entered the reining pen in
Saskatchewan in 1997 aboard Sterling Image, her long time Arabian
partner in the open show circuit, and then on Moon Red, her first 3 year
old. Nicole’s total Equistat lifetime earnings now exceed $80,000.
Locke & Deb Duce of High River, AB,
were instrumental in enabling Nicole to become more ‘reining specific’.
Other people to influence Nicole are Don Rudko of Dugald, MB, and Shawn
Flarida, Andrea Fappani and Duane Latimer, whose words of credit and
advice have been very encouraging and helpful. Nicole also holds high
regard for those Canadians, especially fellow Saskatchewanians, who
continue to be international leading names in reining.
In 2000, while working with Don
Rudko, Nicole successfully showed TT Tivios Twist (Rat) in Manitoba.
Rat went on to have a very successful career as a youth
horse, frequently finishing in the Top Ten, or Reserve, in the NRHA
Youth 13-and-Under.
Check out her cool "Superman" Freestyle!!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Happy Friday
Found these gorgeous images on a site called "Be Western". I'm not sure who the photographers are but these are awesome! Have a great weekend.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Reining 101-Andrea Fappani
Pictures: Andrea Fappani and Big Chex 2 Cash-screen shots taken from Youtube video
Top reining trainer Andrea Fappani goes through all the basic maneuvers of reining, what to look for in a reining horse, and talks a bit about what to wear in this little YouTube clip. It's a nice little intro to reining. But what I love the most about this video is the eye candy-and I'm not talking Andrea-OMG I love that stud. Big Chex 2 Cash is drop dead gorgeous!! (and talented too...)
Top reining trainer Andrea Fappani goes through all the basic maneuvers of reining, what to look for in a reining horse, and talks a bit about what to wear in this little YouTube clip. It's a nice little intro to reining. But what I love the most about this video is the eye candy-and I'm not talking Andrea-OMG I love that stud. Big Chex 2 Cash is drop dead gorgeous!! (and talented too...)
Needing a Coach?? How about a VIRTUAL" experience?
I posted a link this week on our Facebook Page, to a short video clip showing some exercises on moving your horses' body around in leading up to teaching the lead change. The clip is from Denna Lally, and is part of her Virtual Coaching program that she offers through her web site.
Here is how she explains her program.
The concept for Virtual Riding Coach was born out of necessity. People are having a tougher time travelling these days for the traditional in-person sessions with a frequency great enough to make progress. While one-on-one live instruction is still the best tool a student can utilize, virtual coaching can fill the void for those who want more affordable help between sessions, or for those who can’t feasibly travel.
What a great idea and marketing strategy! Her rates are very reasonable-starting at 19.95 a month. If the video clip I posted on FB is any indication, she does a great job explaining a complex exercise so us non pros can understand.
Buyer Etiquette and Responsibility
Picture: (Screen Capture from "Sliding On Top Performance Horses" Website)
I really like this write up in Sliding On Top Performance Horses website. Anyone planning on buying a horse, or sending their horse into training should read and understand this...I think all their comments about buying a horse are spot on, but I particularly like their comments (see highlights below) in regards to what to expect -or not expect-when bringing a horse home from a trainer...
Comments? Personal insights? Feedback? What do you think??
Buyers have an obligation to represent honestly their skill level and intentions. Buyers who don’t take the time and trouble to learn good horsemanship ruin good horses quickly. Remember no horse is ever “finished.” They are sensitive creatures that continue to learn new behaviors throughout their lives. A novice horse person will “undo” professional training in a matter of minutes. At Sliding On Top Performance Horses we don't want to sell you an unsuitable horse. Help us help you with accurate representation of your riding limits, experience and goals. If a horse’s price is more than you want to spend, ask whether it’s negotiable before you make an appointment. If the answer is no, there's no point wasting each others time. The turnover rate for sales horses at Sliding On Top Performance Horses is very rapid due to the pricing structure. Please wait to inquire until you are ready to acquire a horse rather than just beginning to shop. Otherwise inquisition is pointless and the horses you inquire about will likely be sold before you have a chance to see or consider them. If you need to sell your existing horse before acquiring a new one, please address that issue first. If you are serious about one of our horses consider putting a deposit to hold or buy yourself first right of refusal to avoid the heartache of finding out your ideal horse has sold out from under you. This seems to happen way too often and can be heartbreaking for the seller too if the more appropriate or worthy prospective owner misses their chance. Another important realization is that our horse prices can increase every month in direct proportion to the cost of full care, training and competition. Expect that the horse will perform better for the professional trainer it has bonded to than will be the case with you. Subtle differences in riding technique produce very different responses from the horse. It may just be a matter of time and a little professional help before you and your new horse become a team, do not expect it immediately, they are live animals.
I really like this write up in Sliding On Top Performance Horses website. Anyone planning on buying a horse, or sending their horse into training should read and understand this...I think all their comments about buying a horse are spot on, but I particularly like their comments (see highlights below) in regards to what to expect -or not expect-when bringing a horse home from a trainer...
Comments? Personal insights? Feedback? What do you think??
Buyers have an obligation to represent honestly their skill level and intentions. Buyers who don’t take the time and trouble to learn good horsemanship ruin good horses quickly. Remember no horse is ever “finished.” They are sensitive creatures that continue to learn new behaviors throughout their lives. A novice horse person will “undo” professional training in a matter of minutes. At Sliding On Top Performance Horses we don't want to sell you an unsuitable horse. Help us help you with accurate representation of your riding limits, experience and goals. If a horse’s price is more than you want to spend, ask whether it’s negotiable before you make an appointment. If the answer is no, there's no point wasting each others time. The turnover rate for sales horses at Sliding On Top Performance Horses is very rapid due to the pricing structure. Please wait to inquire until you are ready to acquire a horse rather than just beginning to shop. Otherwise inquisition is pointless and the horses you inquire about will likely be sold before you have a chance to see or consider them. If you need to sell your existing horse before acquiring a new one, please address that issue first. If you are serious about one of our horses consider putting a deposit to hold or buy yourself first right of refusal to avoid the heartache of finding out your ideal horse has sold out from under you. This seems to happen way too often and can be heartbreaking for the seller too if the more appropriate or worthy prospective owner misses their chance. Another important realization is that our horse prices can increase every month in direct proportion to the cost of full care, training and competition. Expect that the horse will perform better for the professional trainer it has bonded to than will be the case with you. Subtle differences in riding technique produce very different responses from the horse. It may just be a matter of time and a little professional help before you and your new horse become a team, do not expect it immediately, they are live animals.